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大学商业 magazine recognizes college for innovative open-source online recruitment system


波基普西(11月. 20, 2014) – bet亚洲365欢迎投注 is one of eight colleges and universities nationwide being honored by 大学商业 magazine in the Winter 2014 round of its “Models of Efficiency” national recognition program.

较高的一个, a leader in providing financial services and data analytics to more than 1,全美有900个学院和大学校园.S., the Models of Efficiency program recognizes innovative approaches for streamlining higher education operations through 技术 and/or 业务 process improvements.

"Attracting the right job candidates is difficult enough without negative applicant experiences,” 大学商业 高级编辑蒂姆·戈尔. "bet亚洲365欢迎投注 took user feedback and utilized it in an impressive way, improving potential faculty experience while saving on vendor charges."

A hiring manager who had been contacted by a former employment candidate told bet亚洲365欢迎投注 副总裁兼首席信息官Bill Thirsk that the candidate had attempted to apply for a job through the college’s online employment system—only to give up because the user experience was so frustrating. 这种反馈并不是一个孤立的事件. The College had purchased and implemented a recruitment software package in hopes of streamlining the application process and attracting high-quality faculty and administrators. 但事情并没有按计划进行.

“我们原本希望发生的事情正好相反,”他回忆道 Peggy Kuck, Marist企业解决方案集团总监. “我们发现,这是因为糟糕的用户体验, it was actually a detriment to our candidates to complete the hiring process."

After a failed attempt to get the original vendor to improve the package the college had bought, Thirsk说, “是时候考虑其他选择了." Marist Jobs网站图片

最好的选择, bet亚洲365欢迎投注总结道, was to take what Kuck calls "an intelligent risk" and develop an in-house solution – an open-source online recruitment system that could be customized to the College’s particular needs. The new system offers real-time integration with Marist’s existing enterprise resource planning software, 供应商出售的产品没有做到这一点, 为应聘者和人力资源人员节省时间. 它允许简单地上传简历, 求职信, and related documents that are converted to PDFs for easy review by 招聘经理 and search committees, and produces a workflow that generates automatic emails to applicants, 招聘经理, 人力资源和其他人.

bet亚洲365欢迎投注的申请人数增加了, 据库克说, and more potential candidates are completing the application process. "We’re now attracting the high-quality faculty and professional staff we had hoped for," she adds. “这是一个细节,表明我们已经完成了我们的目标."

In addition to these efficiencies and benefits, the College realized cost savings as well. Dropping the commercial product meant not having to pay licensing fees to the vendor, 添加18美元,过去两年每年给bet亚洲365欢迎投注的底线增加了一万块. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the College’s solution is its open-source nature. Marist says it will offer the code behind its new system to other institutions in hopes of sharing best practices and controlling costs.

"There is massive disruption potential right now for colleges and universities to get together to form communities of practice to build software around certain disciplines,瑟斯克说. "We would love to see higher education invest in teaching and learning rather than buying commercial products. 这是一种新的经营方式. 你最终会得到更好的产品和更好的体验."

除了bet亚洲365欢迎投注, Winter 2014 Models of Efficiency honorees include: University of Montana (Missoula, Mt.); University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa, Ala.); Pratt Institute (Brooklyn, N.Y.); Wright State University (Dayton, Ohio); Western Iowa Tech Community College (Sioux City, Iowa); Portland State University (Portland, 矿石.); and College of the Desert (Palm Desert, Calif.).

The Models of Efficiency program wraps up this year after five successful years. 它是由更高的人赞助的, 哪个学校提供各种各样的技术服务, ranging from streamlining the institution’s performance analytics and financial aid refund processes to offering students innovative banking services, 学费支付计划和财务管理的基本知识. 较高的一个 works closely with colleges and universities by allocating resources more efficiently to provide a higher quality of service and using data to impact success with a focus on empowering students.

"The Winter 2014 Models of Efficiency honorees turned campus problems into innovative solutions that better serve students and faculty,” 安德鲁·克劳福德,客户服务部高级副总裁 & 操作 在高等学校. “We are pleased to recognize their efforts alongside 大学商业.”

大学商业 is the leading publication for senior managers at colleges and universities throughout the United States, 达到75,000名管理招生的领导, 技术, 业务, 金融, 设施及学术事务. 更多信息请访问www.university业务.com.

较高的一个 partners with colleges and universities to lower their administrative costs and to improve graduation rates. 它提供了广泛的支付方式, refund disbursement and data analytics and management tools to institutions that help them save money and enhance institutional effectiveness. 对于学生来说, 它提供金融知识课程和便利, flexible and affordable transaction options to help them manage their 金融s. 高等教育是高等教育的领导者, 支持1个以上,900所学校,1300万在校生. 更多bet亚洲365欢迎投注高等一的信息可以在www上找到.higherone.com.
